More on Memory and Cognitive Enhancement
11 Steps to a Better Brain
It doesn't matter how brainy you are or how much education you've had - you can still improve and expand your mind. Boosting your mental faculties doesn't have to mean studying hard or becoming a reclusive bookworm. There are lots of tricks, techniques and habits, as well as changes to your lifestyle, diet and behavior that can help you flex your grey matter and get the best out of your brain cells. And here are 11 of them.
Here are the top ideas that I use with my students.
Food for thought ~ I certainly am aware of my students' diets. One of my students often complains of feeling lethargic. After looking at her nutrition I concluded that she's drinking too many sugars in the form of juice boxes. During one lesson I asked her to snack on a tablespoon of peanut butter instead of her usual juice and she was surprised to actually feel a difference in her mental state.
Mozart effect "Six-year-old children who were given music lessons, as opposed to drama lessons or no extra instruction, got a 2 to 3-point boost in IQ scores compared with the others." I theorize that the increase in IQ here actually has to do with the cross over exercises that it takes to perform on a musical instrument.
Memory marvels ~ As noted in a previous entry, mnemonics work wonders!
Sleep on it ~ This is another aspect that I frequently interview new clients about. To get the most out of my services I ask parents and students to really notice daily sleeping and nutrition patterns.
Body and mind ~ Exercise is a regular part of my students' lessons. Jumping jacks, running, and juggling are incorporated into most lessons. It works particularly well to bring exercise into the lesson at the start and when the student gets antsy to increase oxygen to the brain.
Attention seeking ~ During sessions my students tend to do really well paying attention. However, I should not neglect teaching them how to notice their own internal awareness levels. I will certainly look into more exercises for this. One that may work well is to have the student note where their attention is (on a rating scale) after they hear a random beep.
It doesn't matter how brainy you are or how much education you've had - you can still improve and expand your mind. Boosting your mental faculties doesn't have to mean studying hard or becoming a reclusive bookworm. There are lots of tricks, techniques and habits, as well as changes to your lifestyle, diet and behavior that can help you flex your grey matter and get the best out of your brain cells. And here are 11 of them.
Here are the top ideas that I use with my students.
Food for thought ~ I certainly am aware of my students' diets. One of my students often complains of feeling lethargic. After looking at her nutrition I concluded that she's drinking too many sugars in the form of juice boxes. During one lesson I asked her to snack on a tablespoon of peanut butter instead of her usual juice and she was surprised to actually feel a difference in her mental state.
Mozart effect "Six-year-old children who were given music lessons, as opposed to drama lessons or no extra instruction, got a 2 to 3-point boost in IQ scores compared with the others." I theorize that the increase in IQ here actually has to do with the cross over exercises that it takes to perform on a musical instrument.
Memory marvels ~ As noted in a previous entry, mnemonics work wonders!
Sleep on it ~ This is another aspect that I frequently interview new clients about. To get the most out of my services I ask parents and students to really notice daily sleeping and nutrition patterns.
Body and mind ~ Exercise is a regular part of my students' lessons. Jumping jacks, running, and juggling are incorporated into most lessons. It works particularly well to bring exercise into the lesson at the start and when the student gets antsy to increase oxygen to the brain.
Attention seeking ~ During sessions my students tend to do really well paying attention. However, I should not neglect teaching them how to notice their own internal awareness levels. I will certainly look into more exercises for this. One that may work well is to have the student note where their attention is (on a rating scale) after they hear a random beep.
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